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Interested Student

Executive Functioning Coaching


As students progress through the grades, their academic performance is increasingly dependent on their ability to organize and prioritize complex information, shift flexibly, access working memory, and self-monitor, all critically important executive function processes. Many students, especially those with learning and attention difficulties, become less productive in middle and high school because they have not learned the strategies needed to access these important executive function processes.


Executive functioning skills are the set of processes that manage, control, and regulate higher level cognitive processes, and include such skills as inhibition, planning, organization, and working memory.


 Executive functioning coaching focuses on skills such as :


  • Metacognition 

  • Organization

  • Planning 

  • Prioritizing

  • Self-monitoring 

  • Thinking Flexibly 

  • Goal Setting 

  • Time Management 


Students who successfully participate in executive functioning coaching show increased motivation to learn, stronger effort, and a desire to use executive function strategies in their school work, homework, and studying. Students also develop the self-understanding to know which strategies work best for them as well as why, where, when and how to use these strategies in their academic work.


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