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Mother and her three year old child hugging in the kitchen

Important Milestones: By the End of Three Years (36 months)



• Notices peers in a group and engages in social interactions 

• Participates in and enjoys group activities

 Begins to engage in simple "make believe", like house

• Imitates adults and playmates

• Spontaneously shows affection for familiar playmates

• Can take turns in games

• Understands concept of "mine" and "his/hers"



• Expresses affection openly

• Expresses a wide range of emotions

• Separates easily from parents

• Objects to major changes in routine



• Makes mechanical toys work

• Matches an real life object in her hand or the room to a picture in a book

• Plays make-believe with dolls, animals, and people

• Sorts objects by shape and color

• Completes puzzles with three or four pieces

• Understands concept of "two"


Speech Sounds (Articulation)

•Uses more early developing sounds in speech repetoire

•Speech is understood by familiar listeners most of the time

• About 75% intelligible



• Follows a two- or three-part command

• Recognizes and identifies almost all common objects and pictures

• Understands most sentences

• Understands placement in space ("on," "in," "under")

• Uses 4- to 5-word sentences

• Knows her/his name, age, and sex

• Uses pronouns (I, you, me, we, they) and some plurals (cars, dogs, cats)



• Climbs well

• Walks up and down stairs, alternating feet (one foot per stair step)

• Kicks ball

• Runs easily

• Pedals tricycle

• Bends over easily without falling


Hand and Finger Skills

• Makes up-and-down, side-to-side, and circular lines with pencil or crayon

• Turns book pages one at a time

• Builds a tower of more than six blocks

• Holds a pencil in writing position

• Screws and unscrews jar lids, nuts, and bolts

• Turns rotating handles


Developmental Health Watch

• Frequent falling and difficulty with stairs

• Persistent drooling or very unclear speech

• Cannot build a tower of more than four blocks

• Difficulty manipulating small objects

• Cannot copy a circle by age 3

• Cannot communicate in short phrases

• No involvement in "pretend" play

• Does not understand simple instructions



For more information see content sources:

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