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Child under one crawling in front of parents

Important Milestones: By the End of One Year (12 Months)

Social and Emotional

• Shy or anxious with strangers

• Cries when mother or father leaves

• Enjoys imitating people in his play

• Shows specific preferences for certain people and toys

• Tests parental responses to his actions during feedings

• Tests parental responses to his behavior

• May be fearful in some situations

• Prefers mother and/or regular caregiver over all others

• Repeats sounds or gestures for attention

• Finger-feeds himself

• Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed



• Explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping)

• Finds hidden objects easily

• Looks at correct picture when the image is named

• Imitates gestures

• Begins to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair, dialing phone, listening to receiver)


Speech Sounds 

Birth–3 Months

• Makes pleasure sounds (cooing, gooing)

• Cries differently for different needs

• Smiles when sees you

4–6 Months

• Babbling sounds more speech-like with many different sounds, including p, b and m

• Chuckles and laughs

• Vocalizes excitement and displeasure

• Makes gurgling sounds when left alone and when playing with you

7 Months–1 Year

• Babbling has both long and short groups of sounds such as “tata upup bibibibi"

• Uses speech or noncrying sounds to get and keep attention

• Uses gestures to communicate (waving, holding arms to be picked up)

• Imitates different speech sounds



• Pays increasing attention to speech

• Responds to simple verbal requests

• Responds to "no"

• Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for "no"

• Babbles with inflection (changes in tone)

• Has one or two words (hi, dog, dada, mama) around first birthday, however sounds may not be clear

• Uses exclamations, such as "Oh-oh!"

• Tries to imitate words



• Reaches sitting position without assistance

• Crawls forward on belly

• Assumes hands-and-knees position

• Creeps on hands and knees

• Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on stomach) position

• Pulls self up to stand

• Walks holding on to furniture

• Stands momentarily without support

• May walk two or three steps without support


Hand and Finger Skills

• Uses pincer grasp

• Bangs two objects together

• Puts objects into container

• Takes objects out of container

• Lets objects go voluntarily

• Pokes with index finger

• Tries to imitate scribbling


Developmental Health Watch

• Does not crawl

• Drags one side of body while crawling (for over one month)

• Cannot stand when supported

• Does not search for objects that are hidden while he or she watches

• Says no single words ("mama" or "dada")

• Does not learn to use gestures, such as waving or shaking head

• Does not point to objects or pictures

• Experiences a dramatic loss of skills he or she once had



For more information see content sources


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